Life Energy Calculator

What is money? A means of exchange? A store of value? A ticket? A tool? A status symbol? Security? Freedom? A temptation of the Devil? A gift from God? A way to prove yourself? Abundant? Scarce?


No matter what you think money is, there’s one truth about money that applies to everyone: Money is something you trade your life energy for. You pay for money with your time. And the exchange is not as good as you think.Approximate your Real Hourly Wage by using this calculator. Come back to it to see what the RHW of a new job will be. Or how many hours you’ll work to pay for a new car. See what choices you can maximize your RHW. This tool will open your eyes – and make every money choice more conscious.

Life Energy Calculator

(Your Real Hourly Wage)

Income and Working Hours

First, let’s get a sense of your work situation:

$ per
hour(s) per
week(s) per year


We’ll calculate your federal taxes for you. If you’d like, you can add an optional State/local tax rate:


Work-Related Expenses

In order to do your job, you may spend time and money getting ready for work (time, outfits), commuting (daily, biz trips), extras (extras, networking, meetings, lunch and work dinners) and daily recovery (time, substances).

Estimate how much time and money you spend on each of these below and we’ll factor them in.

Getting Ready

hour(s) per
$ per


hour(s) per
$ per


hour(s) per
$ per


hour(s) per
$ per

Your Real Hourly Wage is $TK

Life Energy Examples

With your real hourly wage of $TK/hour, here’s how much of your time each some common items costs:

Item Cost Your Life Energy
Coffee $3 TK
Netflix (1 year) $132 TK
Car $25,000 TK
House $300,000 TK

Care to see how much time something else costs? Enter the cost of the item below.


takes TK minutes/hours/months/years to earn